Monday, January 27, 2014

National Reading Day

January 23 was National Reading Day.   Mrs. Amy Pace and Mrs. Amber Bray, along with some students came and read stories to each class.  The students were Veldon, Bethany
Amanda, Kristen, Maggie, and Colby.
Thank you so much!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

4-H Basketball

Papers have been sent home with information about signing up for 4-H Basketball (formerly - Falcon Ball).  Please have them returned to the office by Friday (10th).  Starting day and schedule will come shortly.

2013 Catch Up!

Mrs. Blackburn's Grinchy Kindergarten Students

There must of been a lot of great students in this school because lots of teachers had Christmas class parties!

 We also had a special visitor show up!